Peer-Reviewed Articles
Selective Development Goals: Examining Japan’s SDG Implementation Gaps (with Paul Christensen, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, and Charles Crabtree). Forthcoming. Social Science Journal Japan.
Too Young to Run? Voter Evaluations of the Age of Candidates (with Yoshikuni Ono). 2024. Political Behavior 46(4):2333–2355.
Media Coverage: Asahi Shimbun [2] [3]
Legislative Resources, Corruption, and Incumbency (with Shane Martin and Kaare Strøm). 2024. British Journal of Political Science 54(2):526–535.
Media Coverage: Business Standard
Field Research When There Is Limited Access to the Field: Lessons From Japan (with Kenya Amano, Melanie Dominguez, Timothy Fraser, Etienne Gagnon, Trevor Incerti, Jinhyuk Jang, Austin Mitchell, Sayumi Miyano, Colin Moreshead, Harunobu Saijo, Diana Stanescu, Ayumi Teraoka, Charmaine Willis, Yujin Woo, Hikaru Yamagishi, and Charles Crabtree). 2023. PS: Political Science & Politics 56(1):99–105.
Breaking the Cabinet’s Glass Ceiling: The Gendered Effect of Political Experience in Presidential Democracies (with Don Lee). 2022. Comparative Political Studies 55(6):992–1020.
Media Coverage: The Washington Post
No Causal Effect of School Closures in Japan on the Spread of COVID-19 in Spring 2020 (with Kentaro Fukumoto and Kuninori Nakagawa). 2021. Nature Medicine 27(12):2111–2119.
Media Coverage: Asahi Shimbun [2] [3] [4], Mainichi Weekly Economist, Nature Japan, Nature Medicine, Nature Portfolio, Nikkei Business [2], Nikkei Shimbun, Nippon TV News 24, The Telegraph, The Washington Post, The World Bank
The Element of Surprise: Election Timing and Opposition Preparedness. 2021. Comparative Political Studies 54(11):1984–2018.
Winner of the 2022 Best Paper Award from the Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior section of the American Political Science Association
Media Coverage: Asahi Shimbun
Follow Your Heart: Could Psychophysiology Be Associated With Political Discussion Network Homogeneity? (with Taylor Carlson and Jaime Settle). 2020. Political Psychology 41(1):165–187.
Media Coverage: PsyPost
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Minority Governments Revisited (with Kaare Strøm). 2024. In Patrick Dumont, Bernard Grofman, Torbjörn Bergman, and Tom Louwerse, eds. New Developments in the Study of Coalition Governments. Studies in Public Choice, vol 9. Springer, Cham.
Generational Change or Continuity in Japan’s Leadership? 2023. In Robert Pekkanen, Steven Reed, and Daniel Smith, eds. Japan Decides 2021: The Japanese General Election. Palgrave Macmillan. 115-129.
Japan. 2022. In Joo-Cheong Tham, Andrea Carson, Adhy Aman, and Amy Chinnappa, eds. Digital Campaigning and Political Finance in the Asia and the Pacific Region: A New Age for an Old Problem. International IDEA. 72–78.
Japan: Elite Continuity and Factional Conflict (with Garrett Bredell). 2016. In Salvatore Vasallo, ed. Comparative Political Systems. Bologna, Italy: il Mulino. 363–384.
Selected Works in Progress
Does the Underrepresentation of Young People in Political Institutions Matter for Social Spending? Revise and Resubmit. The Journal of Politics.
Media Coverage: Asahi Shimbun, President Online, The Wall Street Journal [2]
When Elders Rule: Age Composition in Decision-Making and Legitimacy Perceptions (with Aksel Sundström and Daniel Stockemer). Under Review.
Voter Preferences for Young and Female Candidates: Comparing Conjoint Experiments with Real-World Behavior (with Yuki Shiraito).
Representation vs. Accountability: How Marginalized Voters View Electoral System Trade-Offs (with Don Lee). Under Review.
Book Review
Japan’s Aging Antimilitarism Is Alive and Well. 2023. Book Review Roundtable: Tom Phuong Le’s Japan’s Aging Peace. Asia Policy 18(2): 166–168.